Flowers in your Garden: Maintenance Tips

I know that the to-do list to keep your flowers blooming and greens thriving can feel miles long. Breaking the list down to smaller tasks will make it easier to keep up.

Do I really HAVE to weed?

Even if we all mostly hate weeding, it is very important to do pretty much every day. Weeding regularly will help keep your flowers and greens from getting crowded out of their own space. Plus, it also helps keep your garden looking its best. Remember, when you’re weeding, get the whole plant, including the roots! Make sure you’re careful not to disturb the plants you actually want to keep. It is easiest to weed when the soil is damp and the weeds are smaller. Save yourself some major headaches (and backaches) by putting this chore at the top of your to-do list!

Watering Your Flowers

You might be tempted to give your garden a drink every day. However, some flowers and greens actually do better when they have to work for it a bit. Do your research and see how much water your garden actually needs, and how often. You could put this task further down the list! Then you’ll be able to save yourself a bit of money on your water bill, too. Remember to water either early in the morning or in the evening. Do not water in the heat of the day, or the water will evaporate faster than the soil will absorb it.

The Best Soil for the Job

Speaking of soil, it’s a good idea to check your soil levels every few weeks, particularly if you’re in an area that’s had a lot of heavy winds or rains. Check to see if your plants’ roots are being exposed. Top up your soil if it has been washed away. This will give your flowers and greens the space they need to grow. We recommend you use BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil.

It is light and fluffy – we screen it multiple times to make sure that all clods are removed – and made up of a perfectly-balanced mix. Our mix of black loam, peat loam, compost, and manure makes sure the soil doesn’t get too wet or too dry. It’s also packed with all of the ‘food’ your plants need to grow healthy and strong: essential nutrients and organic matter. To keep you soil in place, you might want to consider installing an edging around your garden.

More Maintenance Tools

To make your garden look tidier, keep up with your deadheading. Some varieties of flowers will actually bloom multiple times if you prevent them from going to seed. Deadheading is when you remove the dead flower heads from the stem to encourage new flower growth. You might need to prune or shear larger plants, but you should be able to just pinch off smaller flowers. If you have some younger gardeners-in-training, this is a great job to give them so they can be involved, too.

If you haven’t done it already, keep a journal of your garden. Sketch out what you have planted where (particularly your perennials), how much sun and rain each area generally gets, etc. This will help you during the winter when you want to start planning next year’s garden.

I hope these tips have helped you! Make sure your garden stays looking its best with the proper maintenance. I know some of these seem like never-ending chores, but there are some options to lighten your load. Try soliciting your littles to help with weeding. Or maybe they can take on the watering in the afternoons. It’s a great way for them to earn some extra pocket money and will give your back a break! It’s also an awesome way to teach them patience as they watch the garden grow and to get them outdoors during the summer.