Best Blooms: Top 6 Flowers for your Garden

There are many different reasons for selecting the plants for your gardens. Some gardeners might be keen on the benefits of plants that invite bees or hummingbirds. However, other gardeners might prefer plants they can cook with such as herbs or fruits and vegetables. Regardless of the function of your garden, you probably want it to look amazing! With that in mind, you’ll want to include some of the best blooms while planning your gardens in the spring. Six great flowers with some of the best blooms ever are listed below!
English Rose

Many gardeners are of the opinion that English Roses produce one of the best blooms in any garden. The many petals and strong, gorgeous fragrances certainly make these particular flowers sought after. They grow best in full sun and thrive in zones 5-9. Fortunately for BigYellowBag customers, they love beautiful, rich loamy soil, much like our own Black Garden Soil. Since this soil is jam packed with all the nutrients that your English Roses needs, it is sure to grow the best blooms you’ve ever seen year after year!

Another one of the best blooms to add to your garden are Peonies. These large, bowl-shaped flowers aren’t only lovely in bridal bouquets! They will add a beautiful pop of color in any garden. The vibrant pink color makes them very popular even for those living farther up north. Due to their ability to grow well in zones 2-8, they can weather some harsher winters. Peonies love full sun and well-draining soil.

Delphiniums are certainly a popular choice as well. These gorgeous flowers come in some brilliant blue colors. As a result, they are sure to be one of the best blooms in your garden! They thrive in zone 3-7 and love hearty, rich soil. Delphiniums require regular moisture to grow healthy and strong. These spikes covered in blooms will brighten up any garden.

In addition, one of the most popular flowering vines is Wisteria. This hearty vine grows some of the best blooms around. The purple flowers transform a space from plain into a magical setting. However, these vines can get pretty heavy so they require a sturdy structure to climb. Not just any old trellis will do for the beautiful Wisteria. They grow best in zones 4-9.

Dahlias also grows some of the best blooms! Dahlias are knows for their large, dinner plate size blooms and bright colors. These gorgeous plants prefer full sun and need to be started indoors in cooler areas than zone 5. With these flowers, you must pinch out all but one bud to encourage the growth energy to be spent only on one flower. This way, you are sure to get the best blooms possible!

The final flower on this list is Foxglove. Bumblebees adore Foxglove and the tubular flowers it grows. This particular plant is grown most commonly in zones 4-8. It is actually a biennial plant that blooms one season and produces foliage the next.
Add Some of the Best Blooms Around!
Whatever the function or style of your garden, we’re sure it is breathtaking! However, adding some of the flowers off this list might up your game a bit. These flowers are some of the most beautiful blooms around!