Garden Hacking Should be in The News Instead…
With all of the rash comments about “HACKING” in the news lately, it got us thinking about how we can do some hacking of our own, garden hacking that is!

Don’t Sweat It, Garden Hacking is Easy!
They say that time is money. When it comes to your garden, time is time that could (and should!) be spent relaxing, not toiling. So, how do you save the sunshine hours? We’d like to share a few ideas that will help you get the creative juices flowing; remember, these are just the tip of the iceberg (lettuce).
Keep Things Nice and Tidy
One of the best ways to save time is to be organized. Few things are more frustrating than having to spend an hour digging in your shed for your shovel before you can actually start digging in your garden. You probably heard your parents tell you a thousand times some variation of “a proper place for everything and everything in its proper place”. We hate to tell you, but they were kind of on to something.

Another way you can help yourself get organized is to put unused packets of seeds in a small photo album. Not only will you quickly and easily be able to see what you’ve got on hand, but you’ll also be able to grab them right away when it’s time to plant.
Watering Your Garden, The Easy Way!
Automatic watering systems help to cut back on one of the more time-consuming jobs in the garden. There’s a wide spectrum available to you. Everything from the more sophisticated underground sprinkler system, to filling bottles that you have around the house with water and sticking them into the soil. You can use any kind of bottle for this: pop, wine, beer, etc.
If you’re having trouble getting the knack of inverting the bottles to bury them without losing half of the water, consider the pinhole method. Poke some holes in a plastic bottle, bury it in your garden up to the neck, and then fill it with water. This is one of the most effective garden hacking ideas we found!
The Classic “Switch-Up”
Do you want to change up the look of your garden regularly but really don’t relish the idea of digging it all up again? Bury a pot so it’s flush to the ground, and then just swap out potted plants to your heart’s content.
Looking to make nice, even rows to plant in? Use an old muffin tin to press holes into your soil, and get planting!
It All Starts with The Soil.
The best way to save time in the garden is to start with the best soil. That way, your plants will be able to grow well with less hard work from you. We recommend BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil. It has light and fluffy properties, thanks to its perfectly balanced mix of black loam, peat loam, compost and manure. This means that it will be able to achieve enough drainage that your plants aren’t drowning, but retain enough moisture that they aren’t drying out, either. BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil is also packed with essential nutrients and organic matter, which gives your garden the ‘food’ it needs to grow healthy.