Getting Down To The Root of Your Lawn Problems

Sometimes when you want to fix  problems, you really have to dig in to get to the root of the issue. Expect that you’ll have to get your hands a bit dirty. It might be painful to pull back the layers

that have been established over the years, but you have to be willing to really commit if you want to see real change and new growth.

Of course, we’re just talking about problems with your lawn – we’re experts when it comes to grass, not relationships.

lawn problems

Sod issues, oftentimes, are actually soil issues. The soil in your area might have a high clay content, or maybe there just hasn’t been a lot of nutrients put back in over the years. Whatever the case, if you want your natural turf to be healthy and lush, then you need to give it the best environment where it can thrive.

Whether you’ve decided to give your entire lawn a fresh start, or you’re just replacing sod in some problem areas, we recommend adding BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil. Your lawn will grow thicker and healthier. We recommend that you incorporate the Black Garden Soil into your existing soil, about 3 to 6 inches deep. Otherwise, the Black Garden Soil will just act like a sponge, retaining water.

If you’re putting down an entirely new lawn, you should take the opportunity to grade your lawn. This not only prevents puddles from forming when it rains, but also makes sure that water drains away from your home, helping prevent damage.

lawn problems

Generally speaking, you want the ground to slope away from your home, dropping about two or three inches every ten or so feet. If the ground is relatively level and you don’t have any major impediments in your way, you should be able to do the job yourself with a landscaping rake and level. If it’s a larger area or more complicated job, you might want to consider hiring a professional.



Cameron Shimoda

Garden and Soil Enthusiast