Planning Your Gardens for Spring: Tips & Tricks

Planning Your Gardens

When planning your gardens this year, there are a number of things you should keep in mind. In order to make the most of the space you have, a good plan is essential. We have compiled a list of some of the first steps to take so you can grow your best garden this year. 

Create a Map

First, take a look at your property. Create a map that details the area you are planning to use as your garden. Note areas that have an excess of sun or shade, locations of water sources, and areas with poor drainage. Plan to use the various areas to your advantage in order to get the best results in your garden. For example, you may want to save the sunnier areas for growing your tomatoes, peppers, and beans, while Swiss chard, spinach, and kale will do well in more shady areas. While you may be successful with hand drawing your map, there are other tools you can use as well. Small Blue Printer is a great resource to help you plan your garden online.

Planning Your Gardens  soil garden BigYellowBag plant gardener horticulture
One of the sample gardens from

Select Your Plants

Second, select the plants you would like to grow. It’s a good idea to keep your own palate in mind when planning your gardens… There’s no point in planting cucumbers if you’re not going to eat them! You can also plan your garden with a specific recipe in mind. If your favorite thing to eat in the summer is strawberry-rhubarb pie, include those in your garden plan. Growing tomatoes, green onions, garlic, and green pepper can be perfect for that salsa your friends and family will be raving about for weeks!

Planning Your Gardens soil garden BigYellowBag plant gardener horticulture

Plan Your Garden

Third, incorporate your choice of plants into your map. Use the clearly marked sunny or shady areas in order to make the most of your space. Carefully plan for space between plants and keep in mind the size of plants as they reach maturity. Try to include companion planting when planning your gardens. For example, planting marigolds next to your tomatoes will discourage insects and create better growing conditions. You can look at some other great examples here.

Prepare Your Garden

Fourth, prepare the space for your plants. Remove any weeds and other debris, and mark out the area you want to turn into your garden. Arguably, one of the most important aspects of planning your gardens is the soil quality. Regardless of how hard you’ve worked while planning your gardens, without great quality soil, your plants will struggle to grow. BigYellowBag’s Black Garden Soil ensures that your plants will get all the nutrients they need as they grow. We screen the soil carefully to remove large clumps and debris. The mixture of black loam, peat loam, well-composted manure, and a touch of mineral soil provides a ton of nutrients and organic matter to your plants. Its excellent moisture retention creates a perfect growing environment for all your plants. 

Planning Your Gardens  soil garden BigYellowBag plant gardener horticulture

Get Planting!

With these great tips in mind and the best quality garden soil in hand, planning your gardens has never been easier. This year, you can be sure you make the most of your space and your garden will produce delicious fruits and vegetables for you to enjoy!

Cameron Shimoda

Garden and Soil Enthusiast