Regrowing Produce: Kitchen Scrap Planting
Regrowing Produce
Regrowing produce has become more and more popular over the last few years. People are beginning to lean more towards a plant-based diet, and this diet can become quite expensive. Produce purchased from the store can cause your grocery bill to skyrocket as easily as dropping those delicious avocados into your basket. While you may be content with spending the extra money, there are ways to use your veggie scraps and save them from the compost bin. Why not try out these great tips to re-grow your own produce?

When regrowing produce such as lettuce, cabbage, or bok choy, there are only a few simple rules to follow. Lay the leftover leaves in a bowl and add some water to the bottom. Place it in an area that gets good sunlight and mist the leaves with water twice a week. After three or four days, roots and new leaves will start to grow. This means it’s time to transplant into a pot full of BigYellowBag’s Black Garden Soil.

Much like lettuce, regrowing celery is fairly simple. Cut the bottom off your celery stalk and place upright in a bowl with warm water. Ensure it is placed in direct sunlight for as much time as possible during the day. After seven days, leaves will begin to grow and thicken. Now it is time to transplant into a pot of Black Garden Soil. Cover the stalks of celery with soil, but allow the new leaves to peek through. Water the celery generously to continue growth.
Regrowing produce doesn’t always show you results within a matter of days, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth the wait! Save that giant seed from your avocado and wash it carefully. Use toothpicks to suspend the seed in a cup over water. The water should be high enough to cover the bottom inch of the seed. Don’t place it in direct sunlight, but keep it in a warm place. Make sure you replenish the water as needed. It will take approximately six weeks, but a stem and roots will eventually grow. Once the stem reaches 6 inches long, cut it in half. And, after leaves begin to grow, plant the seed in Black Garden Soil, keeping half of it above the ground.

Regrowing produce really isn’t complete without including the shining star of every garden! Tomatoes! Cut the tomato into slices about a quarter inch thick. Lay three or four slices in a circle in a pot of Black Garden Soil. Don’t put too many, or you’ll have to deal with overcrowding. Cover the slices lightly with soil and keep the soil moist. After 7-14 days, germination should begin.
As you may have noticed in our Companion Planting Blog, basil goes perfectly with those tomatoes. So while you are busy regrowing produce anyways, why not add some basil in the mix? Choose a stem about four inches long and place it in a glass of water with the leaves just above the waterline. Don’t put it in direct sunlight, but make sure it’s in a bright area. After about 3-5 days, roots will begin to form and once these roots are around 2-3 inches long, it’s time to transplant into the best Black Garden Soil.

Find More Ideas Online
Giving your produce scraps new life can be so rewarding. While these are just a few examples, you can find many other ideas online. So, instead of throwing away scraps from any produce, do some research to see how regrowing produce can benefit your kitchen even more.