The Chicken or The Eggplant?

Even if you’ve never eaten it before, you have to admit that there’s something intriguing about eggplant. It’s got an interesting shape, for starters, and there aren’t too many purple selections in the vegetable aisle of your local grocery store.

More than just looking good, though, eggplant has a number of healthy aspects to it. It’s loaded with fiber, potassium and Vitamins C and B6. Eating eggplant can contribute to your overall health, as well as being good for your cardiovascular system and your brain.

Sautéed, baked, broiled, even barbequed – there are a number of ways you can cook eggplant. It can be added to pretty much any dish.

Grow Your Own Eggplant!

There are two big advantages to growing your own eggplant. Not only will you get to enjoy the health benefits that come from adding more fresh vegetables to your diet, but also they’ll look pretty while they’re growing.

The main thing to remember is that eggplants need warm weather to grow. They don’t like the cold at all.

Eggplant BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil

Plant seedlings about two feet apart and be sure to pinch off the extra shoots, like you do for tomatoes and cucumbers. This will help the plants grow bushier and healthier.

Make sure you water your eggplants well. As they get taller, they’re going to need some extra support, so once your plants are about two feet tall, be sure to stake them.

When it comes to eggplants, they need nutrient-rich soil. We recommend you use BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil. It is packed with essential nutrients and organic matter to give your plants the ‘food’ they need.   It also has a perfect mix of black loam, peat loam, compost and manure. Loam is a soil type comprised of sand, silt and clay in the right ratios. This type of soil has the perfect balance of drainage and moisture retention to ensure your gardening success, and it has light and fluffy properties that make it a perfect growing medium.


When your eggplants look shiny and unwrinkled, they’re read to be harvested. This can be anywhere from four to eight weeks, depending on whether you grew from seeds or seedlings. Cut the stem, but not too close to the eggplant; you should have about an inch of stem on the eggplant. They can be stored for up to two weeks after they’ve been removed.

Cameron Shimoda

Garden and Soil Enthusiast