Pruning: Encouraging New, Healthy Growth in Plants
Sometimes, it can be tempting to let pruning drop to the bottom of your gardening to-do list. But it’s an important job that can have a really positive effect on plants, trees, and more!
We’ve all had times in our lives where we’ve taken on too much. There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to go to work, cook dinner, do the laundry, take the dog to the vet, drive the kids to practice, make cupcakes for the bake sale, volunteer, check in on grandparents, clean the house… I could go on and on. We only have so much energy, and we can only do so much.

Plants Feel the Same!
While plants don’t appear to be doing much, growing and producing flowers or fruit can take a lot out of them. Just like we sometimes need to say no, we need to help our plants say no, too. By pruning, you’re helping your plant focus its energy on growing fewer shoots really well, rather than haphazardly growing a lot of them.
What Is Pruning?
Pruning removes older stems and branches, and helps encourage new growth in your plants. It’s a great way to make sure your plants live longer and healthier. When your plants are damaged and diseased, this is an essential task to bring them back to health. By cutting off the dead or dying parts, you can prevent losing the whole plant.

Pruning At the Right Time
It’s important to make sure you don’t overdo it when you prune, and that you don’t do it at the wrong time of year. Be sure to double check what your individual plants, trees and shrubs need before you chop away.
Best Practices
Make sure your tools are clean and sharp. You don’t want to introduce a disease from one plant to another. Make sure you wipe off your shears, saw, or other tools with alcohol before you go on to the next plant. A clean cut will heal and grow a lot better than just ripping off branches or stems. Keep in mind, pruning does put a bit of stress on your plants, and you don’t want to add undue difficulty to their task of growing. This means improper practices could hinder their ability to thrive down the line.

It All Starts With Soil!
Of course, it’s best if you can give your plants the best, healthiest start by using the best quality soil: BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil. Our soil is packed with the essential nutrients and organic matter necessary for plants to grow healthy and strong. Also, its light and fluffy properties make it a great growing medium for whatever you’ve got planted: flowers, vegetables, shrubs, and more! Black loam, peat loam, compost, and manure make up Black Garden Soil. Loam is a soil type comprised of sand, silt, and clay in the right ratios. This way, there is a perfect balance of drainage and moisture retention, whatever you’ve got in your garden. Learn more about soil quality and why it’s important in our blog.
The Best Garden Yet!
Regardless of the kind of plants you are growing, pruning is an essential part of garden maintenance. The encouragement of the new, healthy shoots is extremely beneficial. Be sure to follow these tips and trick for your best garden yet!