Manure and How it Helps Your Garden!
The fact is, manure is a powerful soil addition, regardless of what you’re growing. It adds a ton of nutrients and organic matter. We’ve identified that both are key to proper plant performance.

Be Careful Handling Pure Manure!
Be careful if you’re ever handling pure manure. There is a potential risk of pathogens like salmonella, listeria and E.coli when using it, so it’s important to take precautions. No need to worry with BigYellowBag products though! We take all the worry out of it. Any time we use manure components in our soil blends, we make sure that they are properly processed.
Fresh manure has a higher risk of contamination, which is bad for you; it could also have higher levels of nitrogen and ammonia, which is bad for your plants. It can burn the roots and inhibit seed germination.

“I’ll have some of the 1980 vintage please!”
Similar to cheese and fine wine, manure is best when it’s well aged! The aging process removes the risk that it will burn your plants. Not only that, but if it’s from an herbivore or omnivore, there’s the distinct possibility you could be spreading weed seeds as well if you don’t give it enough time to break down. Here at BigYellowBag, we only use well-composted manures for our premium soil blends to ensure a lack of weed seeds and industry leading plant performance.
Manure also has a lot of structural benefits for soil. If a soil is sandy, manure will help it retain moisture. If it’s compacted, the manure will help it stay looser.

BigYellowBag Has The Scoop on Poop
Of course, we know how beneficial poop can be for soil – that’s why it’s one of the key ingredients in our BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil, along with black loam, peat loam and compost. These components work together to create a soil that is light and fluffy, with a perfectly balanced texture ratio that allows for proper drainage and moisture retention. Our soil is packed with essential nutrients and organic matter, thanks in-part to the manure we mix in! Working with some of the industry’s most knowledgeable agronomists, we think we’ve come close to perfecting our products!
While we can get on a roll when it comes to talking about the benefits of manure, we’ll try to hold it in now…
Hi, thanks for sharing! Does every bag you deliver come mixed with the manure? The soil i received i planted my strawberries first and the soil is rock hard after I planted them in a container. Is this normal or should I add more manure? Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
Are the big yellow bags returnable?
Hey Shelly!
I’m sorry to hear that your soil has hardened! This can happen in containers if watering is less frequent. Our soil absolutely contains manure, but feel free to make small amendments as you see fit. Be careful with manure though, adding too much can be harmful.
All the best and happy gardening!
Hey Keith,
Most BigYellowBag suppliers have empty bag return programs! Reach out to your local BigYellowBag supplier to inquire!
All the best and happy gardening!
Who can pick up my empty Big Yellow Bag? I live in the Don Valley of North York region of Toronto & notice that some of my neighbours have received a big yellow bag this spring.
Hey there! We do not come to pick up the empty bags unless you are ordering a new one! You can see your BigYellowBag supplier’s empty bag return policy at this link: Click on “View Details” under your local supplier and their empty bag return policy will be posted there 🙂
Alternatively you can reach out to your local BigYellowBag supplier to inquire about their empty bag return policy.
Thanks for reaching out and happy gardening!
Is processed human waste used to make BigYellowBag of Soil³ ?
Hey Dan! Absolutely no human waste is used in the production of any BigYellowBag products. For more information on Soil3, head to their website! 🙂